Wednesday, August 10, 2011

EMMYS: Movies & Miniseries Race Is On

EMMYS: Why Movies & Mini-Series Combined Now that the movie and mini-series categories have been combined by theTV Academy,its interesting that in thisfirst year of the new configuration voters predictably favoredthe more expensive and elaborate mini-seriesformat with 4 of the 6 nominations. One reason for the change in the first place was because of theperceived paucity in the numbers of minis eligible, so go figure.Actually among those contenders that didnt make the cut I would arguethat perhaps two other minis got robbed:Sundance Channels Carlos whichwas the darling of everyfilm festival it entered beginning with Cannes.AndBBC AmericasLuther also deserved a spot but its grim subject matter focusing on a brilliant detective who takes a walk on the dark side may have turned off thosewho preferred thesleaze factor of Reelz Channels The Kennedys instead. But what about thosethat did get the nod? Heres thehandicapping. CINEMA VERITE (HBO) This made-for-HBO movie told the story of the Loud Family who livedtheir dysfunctional lives in front of a documentary film crew thus becoming thetemplate for todays multitude of reality TV programs. The film received mixed reviews and isnt generallyconsidered HBOs finest hour but Diane Lane shone brightly in it and lifted thematerial, deservedly getting a Best Actress Emmy nomination. Considering theadvance age ofmany voters, the memory ofthe real Loud family and their TV meltdown may be too vivid for any narrative film to overcome. Still its 9 overallnominations including Directing for Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulciniare impressive althoughthe lack of a writing nod isnt a good omen.This one is a real long shot to battle the mini-series tide in thecategory and may just wind up a bridesmaidthis season. DOWNTON ABBEY (PBS) This stunning mini-series fromMasterpiece Theatre is a period pre-WWIdrama centering on the conflicts surrounding the Crawley family and theirservants. British dramas are often showered with Emmy love and this is noexception garnering 11 nominations overall including writing, directing, andacting nods for Elizabeth McGovern and Maggie Smith.There is no giant mini like John Adams, Band of Brothers, or The Pacific to stomp all over itdespite HBO rival Mildred Pierces whopping 21nominations. A great script from Oscar winner Julian Fellowes (Gosford Park),a magnificent castthat also includes HughBonneville, and fine production values madecritics swoon. This is the one to watch coming upto the front from the outside. A second season is already planned for fans who just couldntget enough. THE KENNEDYS (Reelz Channel) This $25 million 6-hourminiwidely derided as playing with the facts was jettisoned by theHistory Channel which originally commissioned it and finally found a homeon the little-seen Reelz Channel.I thought Emmy voters might turn their backson it, too, but an outsized 10 nominations proved me wrong. Never overestimatethe tastes of Emmy voters as those nominations put it in the game, likely atthe expense of the far superior Carlos and Luther. Stars Greg Kinnear, Barry Pepper, and Tom Wilkinson reeled in Emmy nods aswell but there was no love for the mini in writing and directing categories. Not a good sign. Reelz did send a 3-DVDset of the show to all Academy members but it would likely only have a fightingchance in a weaker year and this is NOT a weak year. This is the longest ofshots. It should just be content to get an invite to the party. MILDRED PIERCE (HBO) Perennial winner HBOs big mini this season was this 5-part remake ofMildred Pierce, the 1945 noir fromJames M. Cains book that won Joan Crawford her Best Actress Oscar. It islikely it will do the sameEmmy-wise for star Kate Winslet who runs with the role that pays closer attention tothe original novel.Pierce itself facesfierce competition for the crown in this category because at its heart it isjust a soap and the overlong adaptation exposes some of its flaws. But youcannot ignore the fact that it is leading all comers in this years Emmy racewith 21 nominations, a total bloated by 6 acting bids. Just based on those rawnumbers it would seem to have wide support across the Academy. Reviews werentover the moon and ratings were less than expected, but directorTodd Haynes gave it verve and style and that may be enough to carry the day. Butthis is no slam dunk even if its closest rivals(Downton Abbey and Too Big To Fail) received barely morethan half of Ms. Pierces haul. THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH (Starz) An epic 8-part mini-series attempt togive Starz some instant Emmy cred based onKen Folletts bestseller.A sterling cast led by IanMcShane helped to turn this old-fashioned mini into a contender for Academyvoters who fondly remember when this sort of big-scalewas catnip for the broadcast networks.Although those voters awarded it 7 nominations, thats the smallest totalin the category andincludes no mention of acting, writing, or directing.For Chris Albrecht who was used to all that Emmy glory when he was at HBO,Pillars reps a small stepping stone back into Emmys golden circle and managing to land one of the prized slots in this very competitiveyear is victory enough for theStarz. TOO BIG TO FAIL (HBO) This riveting drama based on the non-fiction book of the same name by New York Times financial journalist Andrew Ross Sorkinis is the most current and contemporary of the nominees.Playing Treasury Secretary HankPaulsonis Emmy-nominated William Hurt who turns in one ofhis best performances in years. But the whole cast shines includingBilly Crudup,Topher Grace, Cynthia Nixon,James Woods, and Paul Giamatti.Oscar winner Curtis Hanson directed and wouldhave taken the Movie category this year hadit still existed on its own (particularly with 11 noms). But alas Too Big To Fail is probably now too small to win in thecombinedcategory against much stiffercompetition.

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